Kilkenny is known for it's entertainment and has some of Ireland's best Restaurants & Bars. We have them listed for you to visit.
Find out where to stay in Kilkenny with our guide to Kilkenny's B&B's, Self Satering accommodation, Hotels and Hostels.
With live music every night of the week, theatre and festivals, Kilkenny always has something going on...
Collectively, Kilkenny people are known as 'The Cats', most specifically in the arena of hurling
St Canice's Cathedral, also known as Kilkenny Cathedral, present building dates from the 13th century and is the second longest cathedral in Ireland. The Cathedral is named after Saint Canice, who also gave his name to the city.
One of the most instantly recognised buildings in Ireland, Kilkenny Castle has been an important site since Strongbow constructed the first castle, probably a wooden structure, in the 12th century.